Nov 25, 2014

Constant Love Affair

It became obvious. 
Zucchini chocolate cakes from the ever inspiring PETITE KITCHEN food blog. 
Recipe here.

Nov 21, 2014

Gazing out

These days I've been thinking about one person. Person I don't know almost anything about, but it seems I don't really need it.

Summers are like falling in love. Suddenly all ifs are more reachable, all the unknowns are more familiar, the future is softer and more lovable.

And in the moments of not thinking there is still simple happiness, the warmth of the sun, laughter around
and the shore to gaze out over the endlessly beautiful sea.
And you feel that it is all you've ever really wanted and it so great, so so enough.



These are taken during my summer holiday on Brač Island in the Adriatic sea.