Jul 19, 2014


'Bright mornings.
Days when I want so much I want nothing.
Just this life, and no more. Still,
I hope no one comes along.
But if someone does, I hope it’s her.
The one with the little diamond stars
at the toes of her shoes.'

I sure do love the other poets and not only Raymond Carver, but just there is some captivating beauty in the raw, simple and common life he was writing about.
It seems so appropriate for this morning.
The picture is of my blooming hydrangea.

Jul 14, 2014

Just Because

And even when it is the least visible, it still can't be everywhere. 
U never get to feel it enough.

Taken on a hiking tour to Lukomir village via Obalj mountain peak, Bjelasnica mountain region.

Jul 3, 2014

Going Smitten

with Smitten Kitchen, literally.
Recipe here.