Oct 2, 2012

A Sigh

'A kiss is just a kiss, 
a sigh is just a sigh. 
The fundamental things apply 
As time goes by...'

Joyful moments are certainly these ones.
Homemade pomegranate juice too.

(Taken at dinner I made when my friend Lucia was coming from Bern, with Juliet, Vilma and Zsuzsi)


  1. These photos always make me very hungry ! mmmmmmm!

  2. I m at work, 2.5 h to the end and that always make me hungry (and it s not even coming with pictures:))
    (Monika and you should plan to come and I will cook, I think it s a good job-splitting,-))

    (p.s. City Hall is finally reconstructed (from outside), that can have a role of reason too!)

  3. Wow! from Italy we have collected books to send to the City Hall of Sarajevo! We absolutely must come to visit!
